Title (Description) | Author | System |
KsEELS (Acquire high-resolution EELS by accumulations) | K. Kimoto | DM3.8- |
HREM Filters Lite (Noise Filters for HREM images) | HREM | GMS1.7-/2.x/3.x |
IPU (Image Processing Utility) | HREM | GMS1.7-/2.x/3.x |
HREM Mouse (Mouse Tool for Scripter) | HREM | GMS1.7-/2.x/3.x |
Acquire Image Series (Acquire Through-focus/Fixed-focus TEM/STEM images) | HREM | GMS1.7-/2.x/3.x |
HREM Picker (Picker Tool) | HREM | GMS1.7-/2.x/3.x |
Spectrum Wobbler (Spectrum Wobbler) | HREM | GMS2.x/3.x |
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- HREM Research Inc. will neither take responsibility for any problems caused by Citation-ware, nor guarantee its functionality.