HoloLive! for DigitalMicrograph

Higashimatsuyama, Saitama, Japan (April 30, 2019): HREM Research Inc. officially released HoloLive! that was introduced last year at IMC19 in Sydney, Australia. HoloLive! reconstructs and displays the phase from electron holograms in real time at the microscope during experiments.

HoloLive! is the plug-in for DigitalMicrograph that was jointly developed with CEMES-CNRS, Toulouse, France. HoloLive! comes with a handy window for controlling procedures and output. HoloLive! supports live reference hologram correction and live phase unwrapping. Seeing the phase live with HoloLive! facilitates any holography observation, and is essential for in-situ and operando work.

“Electron holography is the best method to measure the phase change by a specimen,” says Kazuo Ishizuka, President of HREM Research Inc. “However, a hologram is a mess of fringes, and the phase change is coded by a subtle shift of the fringes. Therefore, it is almost impossible to understand the phase distribution just by looking the hologram, and a post processing is essential.” Martin Hytch of CEMES says, “These days, we cannot imagine doing holography without HoloLive! We need to be able to evaluate the phase continuously during experiments. For example, is the quality of the phase image sufficient? On apply a bias during in-situ experiments, do we see the fields changing? Once the conditions have been optimized we can acquire the best quality data from our experiments.”

(有)HREMは高分解能電子顕微鏡法(HREM)のための有用なソフトウェアの開発を目的として2001年に法人として設立されました。HREMの設立者である石塚博士は高分解能像のシミュレーション法の分野の第一人者です。そして、代表的製品であるMac/WinHREMは高分解能像のシミュレーションソフトウェアとして世界的に高い評判を得ています。現在、HREMは電子顕微鏡の利用者に有用なソフトウェアを鋭意開発中です。さらに詳しい情報はウェブサイトhttp://www.hremresearch.comをご覧下さい。また、support@ hremreserch.comまでお問い合せ下さい。

Kazuo Ishizuka
HREM Research Inc.
14-48 Matsukazedai, Higashimatsuyama
355-0055 JAPAN

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